Is it possible to mirror a variable radius fillet in SolidWorks? I always get errors

Is it possible to mirror a variable radius fillet in SolidWorks? I always get errors

11 Answers

An alternative. As a solid. Model half of the part and then mirror the "body" rather than the feature.

It is always a problem but there is another way of doing it. You can use an offset surface of the variable radius and set the value to 0.
Than mirror the surface and use cut by surface and you will get what you need.

Okay guys i did it cause of you ! :P
Big thanks again ...

Is it possible to create a sample and demontrate to me pls ?

Cab you do this with solid ?

Julian, i can't do that cause my part aren't symetrical ! left and right are different in most shape but only this fillet is the same left and right of the part and it gave me such hard time and don't understand why ! :(

If the faces are not symmetrical the fillet cannot calculate, you might have small differences and the system cannot work out which faces to fillet?. I am not sure I would mirror this type of feature; maybe in future work try a different approach. For now I think Branko has a good solution.

Both areas are the same shapes left and right , i did one variable fillet on right side and didn't want to make it on the left which is identical shapes and i'm gettinr tired to try all differents moves and my part is solid instead of surfacing.

Yes, the part is solid.

I would try modeling one half of the part and then mirroring the body it takes a lot less steps...