
Winston Jennings

It's not a problem, it's a challenge!!!
Followers: 1236 Models: 279

Chris Davis

Ventura, Ca., United States
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof, is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."
Followers: 459 Models: 51

Jorge Luis Santos Pintado

Lima , Peru
Ser mas para servir mejor
Followers: 66 Models: 51

Anindo Ghosh

Mumbai, India
From scale models for hobbies, to chemical reactors for industry.
Followers: 46 Models: 30

hoho(Jaja) hehe

Who dares to teach must never cease to learn (By, J.C. Dana) I love learning CAD software
Followers: 53 Models: 47


United States
Followers: 68 Models: 7

Tyler Vu

United States
"There are no such thing as problems, only opportunities"
Followers: 8 Models: 6

Tor Helge Luraas

A man of many talents, according to my employer..
Followers: 49 Models: 30

David Lane

Greenville, SC, United States
Followers: 7 Models: 10

vincent O'Regan

Followers: 13 Models: 5

Valdis Krumins

Sheffield, United Kingdom
Followers: 10 Models: 5


Wiltshire, United Kingdom
design CFD FEA engineering CAD architecrure mechanical energy environment water
Followers: 7 Models: 14