
Winston Jennings

It's not a problem, it's a challenge!!!
Followers: 1236 Models: 279

Chris Davis

Ventura, Ca., United States
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof, is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."
Followers: 459 Models: 51


Russian Federation
Followers: 7 Models: 3


Chennai , India
Aerospace engineering student
Followers: 0 Models: 2

Oleksandr Babenko

United States
Followers: 389 Models: 106

Imran khan

Chennai, India
Yesterday, I couldn't spell Engineer, today I am one !
Followers: 395 Models: 71

Michael Dimou

Athens, Greece
Enthusiastic Product Designer/Inventor/Mechanical Engineer B.M.Eng.
Followers: 39 Models: 20

Tiago Ricardo

London, United Kingdom
Followers: 18 Models: 8

Ivan Markov

United States
International robotics champion & aspiring aviation professional
Followers: 17 Models: 7

Alexander Jones

United States
Just a college student with a mild to severe addiction to onshape
Followers: 20 Models: 6


United States
Followers: 68 Models: 7

Michael Paauwe

Auckland, New Zealand
Followers: 5 Models: 4