Video of a man who created 2 different shoes with flexible Filament. Very interesting view.
I'm constantly dazzled that you find such 'nerd cool' projects that have genuine applications. How solid are those shoes? I likewise like the stylish nba raper shoes at nbyoungboymerch They look pleasant, however, I figure it very well might be smarter to utilize that model and fab it our of better materials, similar to the wood on a CNC machine. It's astounding the amount you're ready to stow away in there.
It's as comfortable as anything else created out of the same materials. Without extensive post-processing, fully printed converse shoes, even with thin layer heights, would almost certainly result in chafing.
3D printing isn't the Star Trek extraterrestrial technology that some people believe it is; it's basically CNC technology from the 1950s or 1960s combined with a hot glue gun that squirts plastic layer after layer.
Don't get me wrong: it's cool and useful, but it's not extraterrestrial technology built of elements that don't appear on our periodic table.
It's as comfortable as anything else created out of the same materials. Without extensive post-processing, fully printed converse shoes, even with thin layer heights, would almost certainly result in chafing.
3D printing isn't the Star Trek extraterrestrial technology that some people believe it is; it's basically CNC technology from the 1950s or 1960s combined with a hot glue gun that squirts plastic layer after layer.
Don't get me wrong: it's cool and useful, but it's not extraterrestrial technology built of elements that don't appear on our periodic table.
Try reprinting another one using the stiffer TPU for the soul and the more flexible orange for the sides and top of the shoe this will give you both the support and strength you need at the bottom and the soft Comfort wrap around at the top.
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