Kyle C Friedman 4 Nov, 2018 04:49 AM anyone know a good method to transfer a video file into a gif most converters ive found transfer over with poor quality
Ersin Nov 4, 2018 This site, which is often used by grabcad users, does the same job as alternative programs André Agatech Nov 4, 2018 Hi Kyle,I use AVS VIdeo Converter with not to bad results.Here a GIF file made from an AVI animation created in KeyShot André Agatech Nov 4, 2018 @Ersin, I tested the online site you mensionned, but don't found a parameter to define the frame rate.The outputed gif animation remains jerky.Have you tested? André Agatech Nov 4, 2018 @Ersin, I don't find an Advanced Button Can you explain where I can find it?Thanks Ersin Nov 4, 2018 Online site give to same frame rate value with video but there're changing frame rate in the program you share also the program very handy and more realistic animations can be done in program. Thanks for this information mate Andre. André Agatech Nov 4, 2018 @Ersin, In AVS VIdeo converter that I use always, I know.My question was about the program you mentioned at anyway Log in or sign up to post a reply