35Tutorials'''' KeyShot tips(Step By Step)"''

i want to create a great collection of KeyShot Tips.
Add any tutorials that u think can be helpful.
any site, Weblog and anything to develope our Keyshot Skills.
Thx guys.
70 Answers

KeyShot - Jewelry Lighting(Step By Step)
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--26

Here's how to change existing materials to custom materials... so easy.
It's important to note that all materials in KeyShot are scientifically accurate materials with properties added to be the most realistic possible.
Also, if you're looking for more settings on your materials, you can select the 'Advanced' Material Type in the pulldown, located next to the material thumbnail in the Materials options.
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--31

How to Create the Perfect White Paint Material
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--24

Rendering SolidWorks Models Faster with KeyShot
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--3

Create Perfect Glass and Liquid in KeyShot
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--25

8 Tips to Be More Efficient with KeyShot
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--16

Textures in KeyShot: Creating Bump, Color, Specular and Opacity Maps (Really Fast)
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--17

Simple Animation in Keyshot 3
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--5

How to Create Cloudy Plastic Material in KeyShot
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--29

Rendering White materials.
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--27

KeyShot 3.1: The New, Extremely Fast Metallic Paint
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--4

How to Render Water in KeyShot (and Easily Create Bump Maps in After Effects)
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--2

Rendering Realistic Human Skin
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--9

Great to see a nice Keyshot tutorial on GrabCAD
I hope many more will follow as a lot of GrabCAD users
have Keyshot as there renders software of choice.
Just a question Josh and maybe an idea here -
would it not be great to have some of the Keyshot
team to come over from time to time to GrabCAD
and renders some of the models in the library
just like Bunkspeed so I think Bunkspeed do a great
job with GrabCAD but Keyshot seems to be the main
renders software for us on GrabCAD and it would be great
to have the Keyshot professionals have renders put up.
It would also be great advertisement for Keyshot here on

How To Use Opacity Maps in KeyShot
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--7

Textures in KeyShot: Adding Textures to Your 3D Model
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--19

The Masterful 3D Renderings of Mikael Lugnegård
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--18

Turning Wheels
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--13

Using KeyShot and Flash to Create an Interactive Website Presentation
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--8

When you download keyshot, all the current available materials are included.
So when you install keyshot, the materials are there.

Maybe a lot of advice about setting KeyShot materials can be found here. http://www.keyshot.com/keyshotforum/

KeyShot 3 comes with over 700 materials. More will be added in the near future. You can download KeyShot 3 with animation here: http://www.keyshot.com/downloads/
Let me know if you have any questions on materials. You can create your own custom materials starting from one of the others.

KeyShot Great Renders(Keyshot3 Power)
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--22

Texturing overview Part1
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--6

How to Create 3D Cutaways with KeyShot Renderings
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--30

User Interface Part1
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--10

User Interface Part 2
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--11

How to correctly get liquid in a glass.
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--12

Editing and Saving Materials
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--20

Free 3D Environment for KeyShot
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--21

How to Create Animate Lighting in KeyShot
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--23

And here the ice cube tutorial.
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--28

How to Render Realistic Ice in KeyShot
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--1

How to Create Clear Tinted Glass in KeyShot
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--14

How to Create Object VR’s with KeyShotVR
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--15

Just got KeyShot and was looking for some tutorials to start me off and found these,fantastic information here and a huge thank you for taking the time to put these together,it really is appreciated by me and many others I'd say!
Thanks again and all the best foe 2013!

render using keyshot
Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/35tutorials-keyshot-tips-step-by-step--32

Incredible tutorial, Thank you very much, very useful. To Lekaimadh, What software do you use for rendering that has led you to have that opinion about Keyshot?

Hi, these tutorials are great! Thanx!
Can you please explain how to render a white glossy plastic with the green LED behind. The plastic is 1mm thick and the green light from the LED is coming through the plastic. I have tried many ways, but can't get it to work.

These are fantastic! I have learned a lot from your tutorial.
I do have a question though. In SolidEdge I have a number of items that are all the same, for example water filters. As water passes from one to another it becomes clearer in real life. When I try to apply a color to any on of the items they all change color. Is there a trick to only change the color on one of the items?

Phil what type of material do you need,theres a lot of stuff out there some free some not,I have textures 3d total vol 1-16,16.3 gb and I use Arroways which do different packages but first class textures,its worth the outlay if your gonna use them and there all ready to go normal maps,bumps,colour,specular everything you need to make that difference.You can get ies profile packages for your realistic light for free too just need to know were to look,then just have a drive for your textures as they mount up,hope I helped some!