Have you seen this gear?

I am drawing this gear but I lack of tools to get all dimmensions. Do you know what type, model this gear is?

1 Answer

All you can do is accurately measure the part of the gear that has not been destroyed. Then with a a good engineering text, such as Machinery's Handbook that covers the specification and the formulae that ties together the proportions of gear module, pitch dia, outside dia etc. Another important factor is to determine if the gear is metric or imperial. The metric gear is based around the module which comes from the size of the teeth. You, then working from the dimensions you have obtained, should be able to work out what the gear is. If you do not understand the terms, module, pitch dia, get a basic mechanical engineering text, that covers gear theory, as without this basic knowledge. you won't be able to come up with a solution. If you have the other gear this one mated against the data obtained, from measuring this gear and knowledge of the formulae for standard gears, you will be able to double check some of the dimensions you have