Hi Friends, I am Student of Tool Designing and looking for Injection Mould Designing book for Study. Anybody has Ebook or PDF of mould design? Share with me Thank You,
3 Answers

A short, but handy reference:
http://polymerhouse.com/datasheets/GE_Thermo Plastic DesignGuide_[1].pdf
Specific to gearing, but still handy: http://kbam.geampod.com/KBAM/Reflection/Assets/Thumbnail/7106_8.pdf
Like the first link, but much longer: http://www.tangram.co.uk/Design%20Guides%20for%20Plastics.PDF
Nice images, but like the first link: https://icomold.com/design-guidelines/
A guide to snap fits: http://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/S62.12/people/vernelle.noel/Plastic_Snap_fit_design.pdf
This is more about tool design, the above links were more for part design: http://www.pitfallsinmolding.com/partdesign1.html

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