How to attach these parts

I designed a lamp (Lamp.png file attached) recently for a customer. And I guess, I underestimated the product creation process. The problem is that in my model I designed the frame with patterns (the whole lamp shade) as a single piece. The client contacted me, after going through the manufacturing process, stating the problem. The shop guys connected the lamp shade faces with dovetail joints (Lamp 2.png file attached) saying enough information regarding connection was not provided in the design (which is my mistake). Also, stating that the faces can not be glued together because then the part will not be rigid enough.
Now, I need help to find out the best possible fix for this situation. The dovetail does not go with the aesthetics of the lamp. I was thinking about joining with L brackets but the screw holes have to be made on the outer surface. The initial design was meant to be seamless.
I am open to any idea and support, thanks
4 Answers
Hello Kamil,
I think there are many possible wood inserts, which have great rigidity due to their shape and gluing (they don't really need nails or screws). In addition, they are easily manufactured with a router that makes an edge cut. In the case that I propose, a joint is made on one edge and another joint on the opposite edge, and all the sides of your lamp would be the same (in this issue of milling its edges).
Something similar can also be done for the lid, but I think that it is no longer necessary and that a chamfer and simple gluing would suffice because the rigidity is ensured by the sides.
Hope this can help you!
I forgot to mention that these inserts are invisible from the outside. I also attach the SolidWORKS 2017 files in which I made this proposal.
Well Kamil,
don't worry about the thickness: 1cm is more than enough for many solutions and any type of wood (including laminated or chipboard).
I'll give you some images to inspire you too, although they don't meet the requirement of being invisible (just a sample together with glued 45° chamfers that are perfect for your lamp). They are, rather, examples of how people are encouraged to work on all kinds of wood inserts.
Best regards!

Hi there!
I have one suggestion for you for future works like these. See in reality this type of structure should be attached together with some cutout slot on it. What I found in your design is you just designed it and joined it but that design does not deal with practicality. In software it's fine but if you want to make it a real product then your design won't work. With the help of cutout, slots take it as a reference and assemble it as you do in real life( if you ever joined this type of product).
Thank you.