How to draw a toroidal coil in solid edeg

hi evry one
how can i draw a toroidal coil in solid edeg
5 Answers

To draw a toroidal coil in Solid Edge, you can follow these steps:
Open Solid Edge and create a new part file.
Switch to the "Sketch" environment and create a sketch on the XY plane.
Draw a circle of the desired diameter, which will be the cross-section of the toroidal coil.
Draw a second circle concentric with the first circle, but larger by the desired thickness of the coil.
Use the "Offset" command to create a third circle between the first two circles, which will define the path for the coil.
Draw a line tangent to the inner circle and perpendicular to the plane of the sketch. This will serve as the starting point for the coil.
Use the "Sweep" command to create the coil. Select the profile as the cross-section circle, the path as the third circle, and the start point as the line tangent to the inner circle.
Adjust the settings for the sweep to create the desired number of turns, pitch, and orientation of the coil.
If desired, add end caps to the coil using additional sketches and sweeps.
Once you have completed these steps, you should have a 3D model of a toroidal coil in Solid Edge. <a href="">historical baby names</a>

There are some SolidWorks methods to model a coil here:
Hopefully someone will add a SolidEdge method soon.
(hope you don't mind that I "stole" your question)