I am still not clearing with first angle projection and third angle projection

can anyone explain that in a easy method

5 Answers

in first angle top view is represented at bottom of front view and left view on the right side while in third angle view
below pic shows the details

Its very simple saravanan, Just imagine...
Take a reference of same image uploaded by Pradyamuna

The Object is placed between your EYE and Drafting Plane, that is 1st Angle
The Plane is placed between your EYE and Object, that is 3rd Angle,

Are you okay now????

Once you get it Saravana, it's easy.

I found that there wasn't anything decent on the internet so I made a short video to explain it using animations.


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_wDpN6Zi1hE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

While detailing the 2d drawing, is there any difference? or its just the placement in the quadrants?

hi please read my blog u definitely clear it after that