My dat file is not opening completely,the airfoil is broken at the end(not joined)

the plot is not joined in the end....if I use sketching for joining it isnt joining...please help.....if you can manipulate the data file for plotting please do help(stuck for 3 days)
it's a Boeing 737 200 airfoil
1 Answer

You’re doing it correctly. It’s normally open at the end. Airfoils must have some finite thickness at the trailing edge. In actual construction they never taper to a knife edge. Just place a short line segment connecting the upper and lower surface together.
What is the airfoil number? There are constants that are sometimes modified to produce a closed trailing edge. For instance in a NACA 4-digit airfoils the fourth term (a4) in the equation is changed from -0.1015 to -0.1036 for a closed trailing edge