SW // Problem w/ motor assembly w/ flyingwheel and Motion Study

Good evening all,

I'm a newbbie on Solidworks 2017 and I want to use it to design train models. So probably my question is a dumb one. Sorry about it in advance.
I started with the core system for a train model ... the mechanical part, ie motor and mechanical components.
I designed the motor I would like to use as a first assembly owning the "stator" (just a mechanical representation of the external mechanical motor body) and a rotor (just a cylinder shaft). Both are "pieces" and put into th motor assembly.
Then I added this assembly into another one (one level above) and add a flywheel to the shaft (the flywheel is a component, not an assembly).
In the motor assembly (first assembly - without flywheel) I tested the Motion Study and I saw the motor shaft spinning - I added to motor shaft and flywheel a non mechanical slot jsut to visualize shaft / flywheel rotation (I don't care about speed or whatever else for the time being).
Then I tried also to make the overall assembly (motor + flywheel) spinning into Motion Study (Assembly4 file) but looks like I'm doing something wrong as the the flywheel looks like spinning only for a portion of the rotation, and the motor shaft doesn't spin at all ;-(

Thus I've some questions :
a) can someone take a look to the attached file and correct what's wrong to make in Motion Study both Flying wheel and motor shaft spinning together?
b) what constraint type should I use to make flying wheel and motor shaft coupled together?
c) can someone explain why when importing the motor assembly within a new assembly shaft in no more spinning in Motion Study (I used a "motor" simulator but doesn't help)?

Many thanks for your kind help and support.

Very Best regards,

1 Answer

I have not looked at the model yet, but for this question: can someone explain why when importing the motor assembly within a new assembly shaft in no more spinning in Motion Study

Try this:
in the main assembly, right click on the sub assembly. Choose properties, Set it to be flexible.

SolidWorks locks sub assemblies to be static by default. Setting it to flexible allows the software to evaluate the mates in the sub assembly.