How to model Adjustable 4 corner framing clamp in SolidWorks 2012 and show design intent ?

Here is the tutorial for the model
Adjustable 4 Corner clamp
Step 1:
1. Open SW in part mode
Step 2:
2. Draw the sketch on the TOP PLANE
Step 3:
3. Extrude to 32mm
Step 4:
4. Sketch on the selected plane
Step 5:
5. Make the circle of 6.50mm
Step 6:
6. Make extrude cut THROUGH ALL
Step 7:
7. Sketch on the TOP PLANE
Step 8:
8. Extrude it to 19mm
Step 9:
9. Click on the HOLE WIZARD tool & select the LEGACY HOLE. Select type as COUNTERBORE
Step 10:
10. Set the given dimensions & THROUGH ALL