New approach in designing and modelling an Oil pump using Inventor 2016
Step by step tutorial videos, showing the easy way of modelling an Oil pump using Inventor 2016, how to create the parts, assemble them and drive gears, new approach make use of most Inventor specs, design center with some new tips & tricks ...
Step 1: Oil Pump Design with Inventor 2016. oooo it's so easy
Videos step by step from A to Z how to model and drive gears ....
Step 2: Hit the link below and get started
Oil pump design
Step 3: New approach in 3D Modeling
Oil pump in Section
Step 4: Ball Bearing design in Inventor
Oil pump How to design Bearing with Inventor???
Step 5: Spur Gears shafts & Standard keys
Oil Pump how to design Spur Gears, Shafts, Shat keys & Key ways and drive the Assembly
Step 6: Tutorial drawings