Tutorial - Modeling Lamp shade in Creo Elements/Pro aka Pro/Engineer Wildfire?

Here is the tutorial.
Step 1:
Sketch >> Top plane.
Step 2:
Draw a circle.
Step 3:
Extrude it.
Step 4:
Sketch >> Top plane.
Step 5:
Draw a circle.
Step 6:
Extrude it with remove material up to next surface.
Step 7:
While selecting the cut feature click Edit >> Pattern.
Step 8:
Pattern it about axis at 360º 8 times.
Step 9:
Front Plane >> Sketch.
Step 10:
Draw a spline.
Step 11:
Exit the sketch. Goto Insert >> Warp.
Step 12:
Select the body.
Step 13:
Click Spine tool.
Step 14:
Click Warp radially along axis.
Step 15:
Now carefully transform the body by dragging the control points.
Step 16:
Click List. Here are all the warp operations done.
Step 17:
Click Warp.
Step 18:
Center type.
Step 19:
Now while pressing alt+shift drag the control point about the edge and input the value of 65.
Step 20:
Similarily about the other edge.
Step 21:
As we can see there are warp operation in list in the order.
Step 22:
Click OK and the feature is generated.
Step 23:
Shell the body while removing the face.
Step 24:
Sketch >> Top plane.
Step 25:
Draw a circle.
Step 26:
Extrude cut it up to next surface.
Step 27:
Well if we apply some more operations like fillet and twisting under warp our result will be like this.