What would be the easiest way to model green leaves (see picture) in SolidWorks?

This is the way that i would do;
Step 1:
First draw a 3d sketch of the leaf when you are looking from the top. (press space and select top)
Step 2:
Press space and click front. You will se a line with a few dots. Grab some of them and move a little down and up. Especially dots. (to make more realistic look.
Step 3:
On surfaces tab, Click on Filled Surface and then click on the sketch that you have just drawn.
Step 4:
You will get something like that after you apply the feature. Then clik on thicken feature to convert it from surface to a solid.
Step 5:
Then google a leaf and make some illustrations for your model to use it as texture.
Step 6:
Drag drop that image to your model on slidworks and select face. Right clik on the leaf and you will see the face under appereances. Scale-move-rotate the texuter. And after everyhing you will get this. (you can do the same thing for the back)
Step 7:
You can edit the scene to have a nice render. Here is one.