
STLs and 3D Printing for PolyJet

20 0 Beginner
This tutorial is the first part of our series about how to prepare and optimize settings for mesh file types supported by GrabCAD Print (GCP). The tutorial explains the building blocks of 3D printing with PolyJet. We will explain the conversion process from a CAD file to an STL file and how to optimize it to achieve the best print results possible. Future tutorials in this series will then explain more advanced types of files and operations.

How to Convert .OBJ Files to VRML in Blender

12 1 Beginner
Note: As of Blender 2.80, the ability to export VRML files was removed. On the bright side, if you use GrabCAD Print, you can still export full color models by way of a .OBJ file! You can learn here: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/how-to-use-blender-3d-software-with-grabcad-print. If you are using an older version of Blender, this Tutorial will teach you how to take an .OBJ file and convert it to VRML format to prepare it for 3D printing.

VRML Files for PolyJet

9 0 Beginner
In our previous tutorial, we defined STLs and explained best practices for using them. In this tutorial, we will explain VRML files and their expanded capabilities beyond basic geometric representation.

How to Import 3MF Files from SOLIDWORKS Into GrabCAD Print

9 0 Beginner
GrabCAD Print’s latest update allows 3MF to be imported from industry standard CAD tools like SOLIDWORKS. In this tutorial we will review how to create a 3MF file in SOLIDWORKS , and enable GrabCAD Print to allow for 3MF imports. This tutorial is applicable to GrabCAD Print version 1.40 and above.

OBJ Files for PolyJet

7 1 Beginner
In previous tutorials in this series, we explained the capabilities of STL and VRML files in 3D printing. In this tutorial, we will explain OBJ files and their expanded capabilities in addition to color, transparency, and bump.

How To Use Blender 3D Software with GrabCAD Print

3 0 Beginner
Blender is a free open source software that allows for animations, visual effects, motion graphics, and even 3D modeling! GrabCAD Print accepts certain files which means you have another way you can print! In this tutorial we will review: -How to Export an STL from Blender -How to Export a OBJ file from Blender

JP_006_GrabCAD Print: SOLIDWORKSの3MFファイルをGrabCAD Printにインポートする方法

1 0 Beginner
GrabCAD Printの最新の更新により、SOLIDWORKSなどの業界標準CADツールから3MFファイルをインポートできるようになりました。このチュートリアルでは、SOLIDWORKSで3MFファイルを作成し、GrabCAD Printで3MFファイルのインポート機能を有効にする方法について取り上げます。このチュートリアルは、GrabCAD Printバージョン1.40以上を対象としています。