
JP_011_GrabCAD Print: 「マットかグロス?」3D造形でどのような場合にどちらの仕上げを使用すればよいのか

1 0 Beginner
マット(艶消し)にするか、それともグロッシー(光沢)にするか、それが今回のテーマです。 PolyJetプリンタをお使いの皆さんは、部品をマット仕上げにすべきか、グロッシー仕上げにすべきかで悩むことがよくあります。 皆さんが頭を悩ませるのも無理ありません。それ以外の点はまったく同じの2個の部品でも、仕上げのタイプが異なると、見た目、感触、色、そして強度や耐久性までもががらりと変わってしまう可能性があるのです。どちらの仕上げにもそれぞれ、考慮すべき独自のメリットと影響があります。 このチュートリアルでは、マット仕上げとグロッシー仕上げの概要を説明し、それぞれの長所と短所を比較し、それぞれのタイプがどのような仕上がりにつながるのかを明確に示す例を紹介します。そして最後に、どのような場合にどちらの仕上げを使用すればよいのかを簡単に分類してまとめとします。

GrabCAD Print Pro™ - Per Part Groups For Service Bureaus

1 0 Expert
The premium version of GrabCAD Print™, GrabCAD Print Pro™ is now available! This version includes new & enhanced features. This tutorial will explain per part estimation & assembly grouping!

Lenticular Effects 1

2 1 Intermediate
An introduction to 3D printing lenticuuar effects. In our first design of this series we will look at creating an arrary of lenticular domes. This array will; be the basis for future projects in this lenticular series that will be printed on Fabric useing Polyjet Technology

PolyJet Best Practices: How to Prototype Surfaces with Varied Friction Coefficients

0 0 Intermediate
Friction is defined as the force that opposes the relative motion or tendency of such motion of two surfaces in contact. The friction coefficient of a prototype’s surface is a functional component, not an aesthetic one, and simulates the end product’s mechanical properties. A well-designed prototype that takes friction into consideration can have the following advantages: an improved grip for the end-user, reduced part wear, simulated movement functionality and sliding abilities. PolyJetTM ConnexTM 3D Printing systems provide a solution for prototyping surfaces with varied friction coefficients that were impossible or cost-prohibitive to prototype in the past. By being able to print several materials in one build process, Connex systems can produce prototypes with varying friction areas on one given part. Users determine the friction coefficients for different areas of a part according to the load factor. This saves time and money by providing an easy solution for prototyping complex parts whose dynamic friction coefficients can be tested in a single build process. The following tutorial is brought to you by Stratasys:

How to Prepare a 3D Printed Composite Tool for Use

0 0 Intermediate
FDM composite tooling, similar to traditional tooling technologies, typically requires some level of post-processing depending on the size, application, and complexity of the tool. The most common post-processing operation for FDM composite tooling is sealing. The following is brought to you by Stratasys.

JP_021_GrabCAD Print: バージョン 1.55 新機能のご紹介

0 0 Beginner
GrabCAD プリント リリース ノートから新機能をご紹介します。 ビルド番号 リリース日 2021/6/16

PolyJet Multi-Materials For Impact Resistance

0 0 Intermediate
Impact resistance, or toughness, is defined by the relative susceptibility of plastics to fracture under stresses applied at high speeds. In materials science and metallurgy, impact resistance is a material’s resistance to fracture when stressed. It is defined as the amount of energy per volume that a material can absorb before rupturing. Many of today’s appliances have to endure impact due to how they are used, accidents, safety requirements, and more. The impact resistance of plastics can be improved by adding a soft material coating on top of hard plastic materials. The following is brought to you by Stratasys.

JP_005_GrabCAD Print: 部品摺動部の隙間をFDM造形する方法

0 0 Intermediate

Curl Management Using Insight

0 0 Intermediate
Curl is defined as the distortion of horizontal surfaces caused by the shrinkage of a new layer as it’s applied over the existing layers, causing those layers to deform. This can be a challenge with parts that have thick cross sections or large at areas. InsightTM software features several tools that can mitigate part curl even on the most challenging geometries.

Inserting Hardware Post-Build

0 0 Intermediate
Various types of hardware are commonly used in plastic parts to withstand the torque and load applied when joining parts to create assemblies. Like machined or molded plastics parts, components made with FDM technology can also have hardware inserted into them. Inserts may be added during an FDM build or in a secondary, post-build operation. This Best Practice covers secondary insertion of hardware with common methods such as adhesive bonding, pressing, and heat setting.

How to Add Multiple Users to GrabCAD Shop

0 0 Beginner
GrabCAD Shop allows an admin to invite users, creating groups, and controlling access to the machines, software licenses and other parts of the GrabCAD software platform. Only admins have access to the Admin Console.

JP_017_GrabCAD Print: バージョン 1.51 新機能のご紹介

0 0 Beginner
GrabCAD プリント リリース ノートから新機能をご紹介します。 ビルド番号 リリース日 2021/2/22

JP_022_GrabCAD Print: バージョン 1.56 新機能のご紹介

0 0 Beginner
GrabCAD プリント リリース ノートから新機能をご紹介します。 ビルド番号 リリース日 2021/7/20

Using the Per-Part Costing Feature in GrabCAD Print Pro™

1 0 Intermediate
GrabCAD Print Pro now offers a highly requested feature called Per-Part Costing. This tool allows you to estimate the cost of your 3D printed parts directly within the software, saving you time and eliminating the need for external spreadsheets.

Applying Colors to Your Model Using SOLIDWORKS, Adobe Photoshop, and Rhinoceros

0 0 Intermediate
Being able to print in full color, including gradients and textures, is one of the many advantages of the Stratasys J750 3D Printer. This best practices document provides instructions for color selection with the Stratasys J750 and includes procedures for models designed with SOLIDWORKS, Adobe Photoshop and Rhinoceros software.