
Leg Walking Mechanism (Theo jansen) in Solidworks

29 3 Beginner
Original Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_e3B7FaEAI for more information on original creator of this mechanism : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jansen%27s_linkage SUPPORT US ON PAYPAL SO THIS CHANNEL CAN CREATE MORE AND BETTER CONTENT : paypal.me/nobodyknow137 Our facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/EngineeringExplanation Our website : www.engineerknow.com udemy course link : https://www.udemy.com/course/solidworks-animation-and-motion-analysis/?referralCode=8F40E7F83856CFF0C5FE [if you need discount coupon message me on my facebook page] our new Youtube channel : Engineerknow : [ for understanding how the machine works and other engineering thing] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU5LqyPgX7E8ri4G8ag9xZQ Mechanical Coder : [Coding in Python for mechanical engineers] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC__7TWjURc7KnChqoQrAYoQ for INDIAN ONLY : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDws0ifI1mdQHgJWUSBzrOA

FREE Solidworks Full Course | Beginner to Advance FREE

29 2 Beginner
Our Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/EngineeringExplanation Our website: www.engineerknow.com udemy course link : https://www.udemy.com/course/solidworks-animation-and-motion-analysis/?referralCode=8F40E7F83856CFF0C5FE [if you need discount coupon message me on my facebook page] Time Stamp Note: if you find something is missing then they are covered in Project 00:00 Introduction 00:43 User Interface 02:13 Sketch Basics 03:42 Hide and show relations/constraints 04:30 Under defined, Fully defined , Overdefined sketch 07:49 Convert line into a construction line 08:37 Types of the rectangle and their use 10:57 circle and three-point circle 11:20 Arc 12:25 Fillet 12:56 Chamfer 14:20 Text 15:30 Trim 14:45 Extent Entities 16:20 Offset entities 18:32 Mirror 20:22 Linear Sketch Pattern 21:50 Circular Pattern 24:25 Move entities 25:00 Rotate Entities 25:26 Copy Entities 26:06 Scale Entities 27:03 Stretch Entities 28:00 Convert Underdefine sketch into fully define sketch by one click 28:35 Add Relatio

Project | Vertical Drawer Mechanism Wood Working in Solidworks

14 1 Beginner
Our facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/EngineeringExplanation Our website : www.engineerknow.com FREE COURSE LINK SOLIDWORKS BEGINNER TO ADVANCE : https://youtu.be/iYYHmvnlSQo Solidworks animation and motion analysis course for beginners udemy course link : https://www.udemy.com/course/solidworks-animation-and-motion-analysis/?referralCode=8F40E7F83856CFF0C5FE [if you need discount coupon message me on my facebook page] our new Youtube channel : Engineerknow : [ for understanding how the machine works and other engineering thing] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU5LqyPgX7E8ri4G8ag9xZQ Mechanical Coder : [Coding in Python for mechanical engineers] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC__7TWjURc7KnChqoQrAYoQ for INDIAN ONLY : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDws0ifI1mdQHgJWUSBzrOA

Simple Scissor Lift Mechanism in Solidworks

13 0 Beginner
in this video you will learn how to make simple scissor lift mechanism in Solidworks. I have made everything from scratch you are going to learn a lot of things Don't forget to like subscribe and share this video

Rod transportation mechanism project in Solidworks

5 0 Beginner
In this video, you are going to learn how to make a rod transportation mechanism in Solidworks. I have created this project from scratch with an explanation so you are going to learn a lot of things while watching this tutorial. chassis mechanism project: https://youtu.be/qw9HjlBZExQ Solidworks project playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjExndY7KnkB3VnXJVsTapEhH-5uqAB_z Support us on PayPal (even a little support is highly appreciated so that this channel can go on): PayPal.me/nobodyknow137

flat pack rocket stove

5 0 Beginner
flat-pack rocket stove

Solidworks Full Course | Beginner to Advance FREE || Including 4 Projects

4 0 Beginner
Solidworks course free,solidworks course with certification,cswa preparation in solidworks,free solidworks course,solidworks full course for beginners,free solidworks course Our Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/EngineeringExplanation Our website: www.engineerknow.com udemy course link Solidworks animation and motion analysis course: https://www.udemy.com/course/solidworks-animation-and-motion-analysis/?referralCode=8F40E7F83856CFF0C5FE [if you need discount coupon message me on my facebook page] Time Stamp Note: if you find something is missing then they are covered in Project 00:00 Introduction 00:43 User Interface 02:13 Sketch Basics 03:42 Hide and show relations/constraints 04:30 Under defined, Fully defined , Overdefined sketch 07:49 Convert line into a construction line 08:37 Types of the rectangle and their use 10:57 circle and three-point circle 11:20 Arc 12:25 Fillet 12:56 Chamfer 14:20 Text 15:30 Trim 14:45 Extent Entities 16:20 Offset entities 18:32 Mirror 20:22 Linear Sketch Pat

Geneva motion into linear motion mechanism in solidworks

3 0 Beginner
Advance deformation in Solidworks: https://youtu.be/ubK4p7_m910 rod transportation mechanism in Solidworks: https://youtu.be/LT0uVcvE05E

Solidworks Full Course | Beginner to Advance FREE || Including 4 Projects

3 0 Beginner
Solidworks course free,solidworks course with certification,cswa preparation in solidworks,free solidworks course,solidworks full course for beginners,free solidworks course Our Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/EngineeringExplanation Our website: www.engineerknow.com udemy course link Solidworks animation and motion analysis course: https://www.udemy.com/course/solidworks-animation-and-motion-analysis/?referralCode=8F40E7F83856CFF0C5FE [if you need discount coupon message me on my facebook page] Time Stamp Note: if you find something is missing then they are covered in Project 00:00 Introduction 00:43 User Interface 02:13 Sketch Basics 03:42 Hide and show relations/constraints 04:30 Under defined, Fully defined , Overdefined sketch 07:49 Convert line into a construction line 08:37 Types of the rectangle and their use 10:57 circle and three-point circle 11:20 Arc 12:25 Fillet 12:56 Chamfer 14:20 Text 15:30 Trim 14:45 Extent Entities 16:20 Offset entities 18:32 Mirror 20:22 Linear Sketch Pat

How to make a Powerful Wind Turbine with Acrylic Sheets and 12 Volt DC Motor|DIY Project

3 0 Beginner
In this video you will learn how you can use acrylic sheets to build your own 100 Watts windmill. I will use laser cutting machine to cut blades of the turbine. I have used a 12 volt dc motor from car radiator fan as a generator with some modifications. how to modify DC motor to use it as generator watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GU2AD4sEkI

Project Curve Pipe | Solidworks Tutorials

2 0 Beginner
Video Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EOQxiDHtiE

How to Make a DC Motor & Sprocket Assembly: Fusion 360 Robotics Tutorial for Beginners (Robot Part 3)

2 0 Beginner
#Fusion360 #Fusion360Tutorial #AutodeskFusion360 In this series, we will design and develop a tracked, tank-like mobile robot optimized for use on sand and in desert environments. The modeling of the treads, custom sprocket, idler rollers and 3D printed suspension system will be shown in great detail. We will first create the chain links themselves and the tread pieces, then pattern them along the shape of the loop. Once we finish this, we will create the custom sprocket and motor connection followed by the idler spindle and finally the suspension system. In the end, we can mirror our entire assembly to the other side to create the right side tread. Working on only one side at a time makes it easier on our computers and allows us to work faster with less lag-time. Buy this chain for projects: https://amzn.to/3f2FZEl

Project Curve Onto a Surface

2 1 Beginner
A video tutorial of how to project curves onto surfaces in Solidworks

AUTODESK INVENTOR 2021. Organizing and managing folders and files for projects. Ilogic

2 0 Beginner
Automation parameterization of model for organizing and managing folders and files for projects. https://grabcad.com/library/organizing-and-managing-folders-for-my-future-staircase-projects-1

foot powered hand sanitizer in solidworks

1 0 Beginner
As we all know covid -19 or corona virus is going so i thought to reduce the spreadness of this virus why i dont make a foot powered hand sanitiser in solidworks the advantage you dont need to use ur hand all u just need press u foot and u get a sanitizer on ur hand other cool project in solidworks foot controlled washing machine in solidworks : https://youtu.be/QOhK-QtFsC0 3 pulley animation : https://youtu.be/0Cd7z5SVFls rope animation : https://youtu.be/_i8DKxun7kk buckling simulation in solidworks : https://youtu.be/bEBfZr3UuL4 barrel cam animation mechanism : https://youtu.be/7mH9SfV6FqM simple jaw clutch mechanism : https://youtu.be/B2_Vr1VU0P0 non linear simulation analysis in solidworks : https://youtu.be/qSp1WSrwpJg steering mechanism in solidworks :https://youtu.be/6ng878sLBKA toggler door animation : https://youtu.be/gfgCJyPizHw complex table animation : https://youtu.be/iwg_AJ_edgE pan animation in solidworks : https://youtu.be/JOXs1NAifpU inflating ballon animation : https://youtu.be/fT7fZ1gO7BM 1d thermal analysis : https://youtu.be/uUyjOFjJgWI