
how to convert solidworks file to obj ?

25 9 Intermediate
convert solidworks file to obj

Freecad - repairing 3D files for 3D printing.

5 0 Intermediate
Using Freecad to heal 3D models that are created in other 3D application. Ideal for those who use sketchup to create 3D objects and export them as stl files.

How to convert Solidworks file to obj file. with mtl (material).

3 1 Intermediate
> Easiest way to convert 3d cad(STEP/IGES) to obj file. > following software also generate mtl file. Which includes material and appearances.

Fusion 360 - Import 3D scans with textures

0 0 Intermediate
Importing 3D scans with textures into Fusion 360 is not a straightforward process. Depending on the file format there are additional steps that need to be done regarding the texture. Usually the best solution is to retexture the model within Blender.