
How to Import GLB Files in FUSION 360

1 0 Beginner
To open a GLB file in Blender and export it as OBJ, you can follow these steps from this tutorial.

Convert .obj model in catia

1 0 Beginner
here is the tutorial link

JP_006_GrabCAD Print: SOLIDWORKSの3MFファイルをGrabCAD Printにインポートする方法

1 0 Beginner
GrabCAD Printの最新の更新により、SOLIDWORKSなどの業界標準CADツールから3MFファイルをインポートできるようになりました。このチュートリアルでは、SOLIDWORKSで3MFファイルを作成し、GrabCAD Printで3MFファイルのインポート機能を有効にする方法について取り上げます。このチュートリアルは、GrabCAD Printバージョン1.40以上を対象としています。

How to import 3D meshes with appearance properties in Fusion 360

1 0 Beginner
Case study regarding various models imported with visual appearances in Fusion 360

Import free form CAD data to CATIA V5 as editable

0 0 Beginner
The workbench from CATIA V5 is Imagine & Shape and for the file conversion I made use of Blender! The 3D model can be downloaded at: https://www.vitra.com/en-un/product/panton-chair

Import AI generated models in CATIA V5 as editable

0 0 Beginner
Case study of an AI generated image of a chair converted to a 3D model using an AI image to Mesh Platform (CSM) Video regarding CSM 3D platform - https://youtu.be/y-hYAjR6yVk Video regarding concept generation using Leonardo - https://youtu.be/nB1wIVzCzsI

CATIA V5 - import AI generated models as editable

0 0 Beginner
Case study of an AI generated image of a chair converted to a 3D model using an AI image to Mesh Platform (CSM)

Convert STL and OBJ files to STEP files online!

0 0 Beginner
Convert STL and OBJ files types to modifiable STEP files that can be used in your favorite CAD for free!

Fusion 360 - Import 3D scans with textures

0 0 Intermediate
Importing 3D scans with textures into Fusion 360 is not a straightforward process. Depending on the file format there are additional steps that need to be done regarding the texture. Usually the best solution is to retexture the model within Blender.