
Hand Sanding and Polishing for PolyJet 3D Printed Parts

11 1 Intermediate
Sanding and polishing 3D prints can be tricky. This tutorial demonstrates how to handle post-processing for printed parts when using the Stratasys J750.

Catia Tutorial Part Design Examples

10 3 Beginner
Catia V5 Part Design Examples for Beginners

(VIDEO TUTORIAL) MECHANICAL BIRD Design in UNIGRAPHICS | Flapping wing mechanism design

11 0 Expert
When a bird flaps, as opposed to gliding, its wings continue to develop lift as before, but the lift is rotated forward to provide thrust, which counteracts drag and increases its speed, which has the effect of also increasing lift to counteract its weight, allowing it to maintain height or to climb

How to Make Chain Sprocket Animation in Solidworks

10 1 Intermediate
In this tutorial we'll learn how to model a chain sprocket animation in Solidworks. The tutorial contains parts modeling (inner link, outer link, sprocket), assembly and animation. Rendering is done in Keyshot. I have made chain using chain pattern. It is a basic exercise for beginners and it will be a good practice for beginners. Here, we'll learn these commands and features: 1) Basic 2D Commands 2) Extruded Boss 3) Reference Plane 4) Plane Mate 5) Belt Mate 6) Coincident Mate 7) Concentric Mate 8) Chain Pattern 9) Animation #chain_sprocket #mechanical_engineering #CADable Chain Sprocket Files: https://grabcad.com/library/chain-spr... Please Subscribe our Channel for more Videos and Projects in Solidworks. Please Like and Share Our Videos. Thanks for Watching. Follow our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/CADable

AutoCAD | 3D Part and 3D Dimensioning

9 0 Intermediate
How to give dimensions on 3D part in AutoCAD.

Learn to create simple BOLT in AutoDesk Inventor

9 0 Beginner
This video is not mine, copyright to the owner CAD CAM TUTORIAL

Convert STL to SolidWorks Part File

9 0 Intermediate
This video shows how to convert .stl file into editable solidworks part files.

Tutorial - How to drive a Solid Edge model from Excel

8 2 Beginner
Here's how...

Create new Plane without using Plane command

8 0 Intermediate
How to crate new Plane without using GSD Plane command. New user sometime have difficulties to create references for new plane creation.


8 0 Beginner
How to design an elbow with Solidworks.

CreO Practice Model

8 2 Beginner
Basic Part model in CreO(Parametric) 2.0

SOLIDWORKS Custom Templates

6 0 Beginner
Creating custom part templates in SOLIDWORKS video tutorial.

simple part design exercise 3

6 0 Beginner
this video shows how to draw simple part design in catia....and also help to learn mirror command,pad,pocket,fillet,rib from this video.... please subscribe my channel to get more videos...thankyou ************************************************************** more videos please click below Plastic hub https://youtu.be/C73GUbwhqNs CATIA SIMPLE PART TUTORIAL https://youtu.be/A_yyTexHlTM Dress hook https://youtu.be/Qxg9l0pAnDQ PVC 90 DEGREE TEE COUPLING BEND https://youtu.be/xny6Bzyw0fw

SolidWorks Modeling: Mill Work Stop | Mechanical Parts Design | Machine Tools Design | Dimension

6 0 Beginner
In this video, Tech Hawk is going to show you how to design Mill Work Stop an important machine tool in details. It serves as a heavy and rigid stop for milling setups. We have also used the almost precise dimension for drawing this part. We have modeled 13 parts here in SolidWorks and make an assembly file later. . 0:00 Introduction 0:35 1,2,3 VERTICAL MEMBER, BASE MEMBER, RIB 9:25 4 ARM 13:20 5 CLAMP 19:15 6 TEE PLATE 21:15 7 STOP ROD 23:50 8 WING NUT 26:00 9 BUSHING 27:10 10 TEE STUD 28:35 11 CARRIAGE BOLT 31:50 12 BLANK KNOB 35:50 13 BLANK KNOB 38:40 Creating Assembly . We hope this video can help you to practice with SolidWorks software ans make you introduced with some of the commands and features of SolidWorks. We all know that, SolidWorks is a solid modeling computer-aided design and computer-aided engineering computer program. The software is then used for design and building of mechanical, electrical, and software elements. This is getting more and more important nowadays.