
SolidWorks: Draft_Rib_Shell

0 0 Beginner
I hope this video is useful for you https://youtu.be/_qSfD3TGTrc

Split Face command, how it works?

0 0 Beginner
Don't use Solid Edge, but here is how it works in SolidWorks. May be similar enough to help.

Tutorial how to make engine part 11

0 0 Beginner
phil kight ,as per my method

Tutorial how to make engine part 18

0 0 Beginner
Step 5 really through me for a loop, but I figured it out after about 20 minutes. I'm not sure what Aykut is saying about "show" in the feature tree but i couldnt make it work. Here's what I found that works for me, hope it helps others out. Thanks again Aykut for making this learning experience possible!!

Engine Part Design in SolidWorks | Solidworks Tutorial | 3d Modeling Tutorial

0 0 Intermediate
When it comes to 3D modeling software, SOLIDWORKS is king. The innovative, integrated software solution offers various robust features to accommodate even the most intricate models. In this video, you will learn an awesome Solidworks skill that can help you advance in your learning of 3D Modeling. --------------------- Video Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 01:11 First Sketch 02:37 Sketch Tip-Making Tangent Entities 03:16 First Extrusion/Base 03:57 Mirror Command/Feature Usage 05:43 Adding Fillets 06:24 Adding Appearance for Rendering 07:00 OUTRO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can contact me for more specific tutorial and tuition Whatsapp: +233241289594 Email: dadziepaulaa@yahoo.com More models can be found here: https://grabcad.com/paul.dadzie-1/models Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/The-CAD-Dude-101404238247458 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thecaddude


0 0 Beginner
Quick tip video shows how to create a mirrored part bodies from existing geometry that can be edited without affecting the original body that it was mirrored from. The mirrored body is saved as a separate file with it's own feature design tree. Once edits have been done to the new body it can be inserted into the original and combined using the combine feature to have one single body and one single part file.

CATIA v5 Skeleton with Excel

0 0 Expert
This is a macro made in Excel VBA, which allows you to change the endpoints of the lines representing the skeleton of the plane IAR80 FA engine frame. This allows for faster execution and easy application of changes in 3D modeling software.

SolidWorks | 1-2 Starting a new drawing |

0 0 Beginner
Starting a new Part Drawing. SolidWorks Tutorial. https://youtu.be/8znLn51Hm2Q

Design of Cylinder Engine

0 0 Beginner
In this video, I have modelled a Cylinder Engine by using commands mention below. Commands used are - Sketching - Sketch Relations - Revolve Boss/Base - Revolve Cut - Extruded Cut - Fillets - Chamfer It will be helpful for Beginners. If you find it useful please Like Share Subscribe Channel Link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ02Vf2Uq5IZcRGE1c9T3Ug


0 0 Expert
Telegram link - https://t.me/joinchat/jbCTJ5gDeCo3NWE1 Blog: https://www.cadcamtutorial.in/ We will learn the below features or commands in Solidworks. AllSketchTool SketchCondition UnderDefined FullyDefined OverDefined SketchExpert ExtrudeBoss ExtrudeCut RevolveBoss RevolveCut SweepBoss SweepCut PlaneCreation LoftedBoss LoftedCut HoleWizard Fillet chamfer TypesofPatterns #SolidWorksBeginnersTutorials​ #SolidWorksSketching​ #SolidWorksSurface​ #SolidWorksWeldments​ #SolidWorksAssembly​ #SolidWorksDrawing​ #SolidWorksSheetMetal​ #SolidWorksMoldDesign​ #SolidWorksSimulation​ #SolidWorksMotion Please Subscribe to our channel for more videos & projects in Solidworks & don't forget to hit like & share the videos, thanks for watching. Laptop Information Dell G3 3579 Core i5 8th Gen 15.6-inch FHD Item model number - G3 3579 Processor Type - Core i5 Processor Speed 2.3 GHz RAM Size - 16 GB Graphics Coprocessor - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 https://www.cadcamtutorial


0 0 Beginner
This is a tutorial video on how to make a 3D part in Solidworks by using sketching tools and features. In this tutorial, we’ll use different tools such as extrude, revolve, cut, holes, and other features to create the given 3D part from the design sheet.


0 0 Beginner
This is a tutorial video on how to make a 3D part in Solidworks by using sketching tools and features. In this tutorial, we’ll use different tools such as extrude, revolve, cut, holes, and other features to create the given 3D part from the design sheet.

Solidworks Tutorial | Isometric Lessons-Shaft bracket design

0 0 Intermediate
Solidworks is an engineering tool used for computer-aided designs(CAD) and computer-aided engineering(CAE). Its one of the biggest and useful CAD tools to have and learn. These sets of tutorial videos is to help you learn SolidWorks from a novice/beginner stage to an expert. Learning this feature will help you greatly in doing so many diverse and unique models ************************************************************************************** You can contact me for more specific tutorial and tuition Whatsapp: +233241289594 Email: dadziepaulaa@yahoo.com More models can be found here: https://grabcad.com/paul.dadzie-1/models Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/The-CAD-Dude-101404238247458 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thecaddude ********************************************************************************