
Part View Labels with BOM item number

13 2 Intermediate
Set Your Drawing View Labels to Use BOM item numbers.

Beginner - Exercise 1

5 0 Beginner
Tutorial Inventor - Exercise 1

[VIDEO] Park Chair

3 0 Beginner
In this tutorial I will share about how to create a Park Chair design using the Autodesk Inventor software with various features such as: 2D Sketch, Extrude, Extrusion Surface, Rectangular Pattern, Mirror Feature, Combine, Thicken, Fillet/Chamfer,etc. . I hope this tutorial is useful for you :)

Multi-Body Master Parts

2 0 Beginner
Using Autodesk Inventor's multi-body part functionality to build robust assemblies.

Inventor Part Design Exercise 15

2 0 Beginner
Learn inventor basic 3d modeling tutorial for beginner exercise 15

Sketch Driven Assembly Pattern

1 0 Beginner
Using a sketch driven patterns to position parts in an assembly. Find the Inventor 2020 files here; https://grabcad.com/library/sketch-driven-assembly-pattern-example-1

Robust Master Parts

1 6 Intermediate
Make robust designs using multi-body master parts.

Cara Membuat Roda Gigi di Autodesk Inventor (How to make gears in Autodesk Inventor)

1 0 Beginner
Here I will explain how to make gears simply in Autodesk Inventor 2017 (disini saya akan menjelaskan cara membuat roda gigi secara sederhana di Autdesk Inventor 2017)

When I make a simplified part out of an assembly, the original .iam = 5mb. Why would the resulting .ipt be 9gb?

0 0 Intermediate
Hi Dan, The simplify command as you can watch on the following video links creates a new view under the folder "Representations" on the assembly history tree... Link-1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rA68Q07UDes Link-2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3B-bHEpeILQ Major purpose of this process is to share the least of the information with your clients, suppliers or partners... by Including only the essential components, defining envelops, etc. On the same "Representation" folder you can actually find another two categories the "Position" and the "Level of Detail". What you really need is to change the Level of Detail... Check Below --->

Tutorial : Essentials Drawing with inventor pro part 1

0 0 Intermediate
Tutorial : Essentials Drawing with inventor pro part 1

Clamp. Autodesk Inventor. 3D CAD practice. How to make cbp–20072023–007.01🐬

0 0 Beginner
Hello, it’s cadblurprints! In this video, I share how to create a 3D part in Autodesk Inventor. This is the part «Струбцина» (Clamp) of the assembly «Струбцина» (Clamp) 007–СБЦ. I hope you enjoy it! You can find this drawing in my Instagram, Telegram, ВКонтакте, Яндекс.Дзен. You can find the links here https://taplink.cc/cadblueprints.