
FreeCAD Basic Exercise #1

31 5 Beginner
The objective of this tutorial will be to discover the workflow for the parametric design of a 3D object with Part Design and Sketcher. For this we will model a basic part involving different types of functions.

FreeCAD Basic Exercise #2

20 5 Beginner
The objective of this tutorial will be to use the sketching tools: symmetry constraint, external geometry projection and Polyline. We will also use the Refine parameter to remove an edge.

MetalWB, for welding part design

6 0 Intermediate
This tutorial introduces the newly developed MetalWB workbench. MetalWB aims to facilitate the design of welding part with new functions and by grouping existing functions.

Clamping Support (PartDesign, SheetMetal & TechDraw)

4 0 Beginner
This tutorial explains how to model a clamping support for pole mount antenna in FreeCAD 0.19. Through this example, we will see how to design a basic sheet metal product with PartDesign and SheetMetal Worbenches (WB). Then how to made a drawing of unfolded sheet metal with TechDraw WB.

Modelling welds with FreeCAD 0.19

3 0 Beginner
This tutorial explain how to model welds with FreeCAD, version 0.19. For that we will use epsiloidal primitive sequences placed on the weld seams. Principle is described in Step 1 and then other steps describe practical cases. We will mainly use Part and Draft workbenches and functions Primitives, Epsiloid and Path Array.

Laser cutting Christmas tree

3 0 Intermediate
This quick tutorial show how to make a relief Chrismas tree, which can be produced by laser cutting. For this we will only use the Part Design workbench. The whole procedure will not be detailed but only the essential steps to understand how to do it.

FreeCAD Basic 3D Modeling Exercise 15

3 0 Beginner
Learn freecad workbench exercise 15 how to create simple 3d model

FreeCAD Single Block Workbench Tutorial

2 0 Beginner
Learn freecad basic 3d modeling how to create single block

FreeCAD WorkBench Exercise 17

2 0 Beginner
Learn freecad basic 3d modeling tutorial for beginner exercise 17

Spur gear (FCGear, Part & Techdraw WB)

3 0 Beginner
This tutorial explains how to model a basic spur gear in FreeCAD 0.19 by using FCGear and Part Workbenches (WB).

FreeCAD Part Design Tutorial Exercise 16

1 0 Beginner
Learn freecad basic 3d workbench tutorial for beginner exercise 16

FreeCAD Basic Part Design Exercise 14

1 0 Beginner
Freecad basic 3d modeling workbench tutorial exercise 14 for beginner

Freecad tutorial - Drawing a slightly more complex sketch

1 0 Intermediate
In this FreeCAD tutorial I will draw a part that has a slightly more complex sketch. I used Part Design and Sketcher workbench to model this part. This tutorial is not for absolute beginners. I used FreeCAD 0.21 to create this tutorial.

U-Bracket (Part, Torus, Fastener)

1 0 Beginner
This tutorial explains how to model a U-bracket for pole mount antenna in FreeCAD 0.19. Through this example, we will see how to design a threaded part with Part and Fastener Worbenches (WB)

Freecad 3D U Join Tutorial

1 0 Beginner
Learn freecad exercise 18 how to create u join