
How to convert STL to STEP using FreeCAD

86 23 Beginner
This tutorial covers how to convert an STL to a STEP using FreeCAD. Note: Since STLs are meshes, the resulting model won't be as precise as parts originally made as solids. FreeCAD can export: - Step - Iges - Scad - Dxf - Dwg - Obj - Pdf And many others…

A SOLIDWORKS face mask with Surfacing

56 12 Expert
A request was posted in the Questions section asking that an STL file be converted to a proper CAD format. I completed the conversion, and received some requests for older versions of the file, or instructions on how to make it. SOLIDWORKS does not do backwards compatibility very well, so here are the steps I took to make this face mask. A SOLIDWORKS 2020 model and Step file can be downloaded here: https://grabcad.com/library/coronavirus-covid-19-mask-request-1

How to Convert Pictures into DXF files without any software in few seconds

24 3 Beginner
In this short laser cutting video tutorial I will show you how to convert picture into DXF file for laser cutting machine

How do I convert CATIA V5 R21 files to V5 R20?

21 6 Beginner
I got a tutorial for you to convert a higher version file to lower version. Suppose you are using V5R21, you can save it as a V5R20-V5R6.

How to export full Assembly to STL?

16 1 Beginner
here is the tutorial: http://grabcad.com/library/governor--1

Translating cam and crank-slider mechanism in solidworks

9 0 Beginner
In this video i have create a dynamic mechanism which convert translating motion into angular motion . the advantage of this mechanism is that it can convert your translating motion into particular angle motion it can also act as ratchet mechanism i hope you like this video other mechanism u might like solidworks tutorial link to make these mechanism LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE 1. BOWLING ANIMATION : https://youtu.be/3YQfWjVIRnw 2. DOOR MECHANISM : https://youtu.be/fXCXwVEh6F0 3.FOLDABLE TABLE : https://youtu.be/Vbhi8fKnIdE 4.RACK RACK MECHANISM : https://youtu.be/085RPRQPhB8 5. FISH MECHANISM : https://youtu.be/2XJNilUx7FI 6. IRIS MECHANISM : https://youtu.be/turfOzbZnjo 7.TOGGLER DOOR MECHANISM : https://youtu.be/gfgCJyPizHw

Create Revit RFA element from 3D objects

8 1 Intermediate
Create Revit RFA element from 3D objects. * Using Autodesk Inventor * If you have a 3D model file from various programs, you can import into Autodesk Inventor and convert them into REVIT RFA file type elements. You will then be able to load those into your Revit project and use.

Convert STEP/IGES files to STL on Mac

3 1 Intermediate
We’ve added a translator on Workbench that allows users to download a CAD file in STEP, IGES and STL formats, regardless of the format it was uploaded in. This makes it easy to share models with partners who don’t use the same CAD system you do. With just one click your supplier can download any of the neutral formats based on the original file you uploaded.

How to convert STL data into a surface model in ZW3D with one command?

3 3 Beginner
The procedure in detail:

[VIDEO] Learn How to Setup Laser Cutting Machine using SolidWorks in just 13 Minutes

2 0 Beginner
In this informative video tutorial you will learn how to operate laser cutting machine using solidworks. In this video I am going to convert solidworks design file into DXF file and then I will import that dxf file in RD works which is basically a laser cutting machine's software, at the end i will also show how to connect your PC with laser cutting machine and finally I will cut a wall clock design in acrylic material on laser cutting machine. I hope this will be a very helpful laser cutting tutorial for you.

Convert STL and OBJ files to STEP files online!

2 3 Beginner
Convert STL and OBJ files types to modifiable STEP files that can be used in your favorite CAD for free! Convert stl to step stl to stp obj to stp obj to step conversion

Export and import in unigraphics nx

2 0 Beginner

How to Convert 3D WireFrame into 3D Model in SolidWorks

1 0 Beginner
In this video I will show you how to apply Boundary Boss/Bass feature on a 3D wire frame.

Close volume in nx11

1 0 Beginner
In this video, u will get to learn about how to make close volume in nx11 software

Convert .obj model in catia

1 0 Beginner
here is the tutorial link