
How to convert STL to STEP using FreeCAD

86 23 Beginner
This tutorial covers how to convert an STL to a STEP using FreeCAD. Note: Since STLs are meshes, the resulting model won't be as precise as parts originally made as solids. FreeCAD can export: - Step - Iges - Scad - Dxf - Dwg - Obj - Pdf And many others…

How to convert enclosed surface to solid in CATIA?

9 1 Beginner
Small example from my side. As there is no software supporting to your .catpart file. I do have Catia v5 r19

Tutorial: Convert .stl Mesh to Solid File in Autodesk Inventor

7 9 Beginner
I found today a post from a friend (Nuno) asking how to solve this issue, converting an .stl to solid .ipt. Then I remembered that I found something in the past regarding this conversion... Yeap! it was in Autodesk Labs So let me explain with couple of easy steps how this works...

Tutorial: How to convert a .Step-File to an independent .CatPart-File in Catia V5

1 0 Beginner
This Tutorial shows you how to convert a .stp-file (dead solid) to an independent .catpart-file (iso-constrained) in Catia V5. Using project/intersect 3D-Elements.

Linking parts in CATIA: Publication

3 1 Expert
We can have the same sketch (or parameter, geometry, body,etc) in different parts of the same assembly, that way if we need to change this element, we only need to do it in one place. Some examples: 1) Diameter of holes, lengths. 2) We maybe want a reference model with all the sketches, and then copy those sketches to different parts. 3) We could have a solid of revolution, that we need to split due to the chosen manufacturing process. And after the split, maybe because of minor features (holes, etc) are not totally simmetric, so we have to define two parts with two drawings. We could be faster if we linked only the common solid, before applying specific features. In all of those cases we can use the powerful tool in Catia known as Publication.

Simple Spring in PTC CREO PARAMETRIC 3.0

26 0 Expert
simple spring creation by using helical sweep function.

Tutorial - How to drive a Solid Edge model from Excel

8 2 Beginner
Here's how...

How to convert enclosed surface to solid in CATIA?

0 0 Beginner
Follow the steps to do the thickness on the surface

TUTORIAL: How to specify new profiles of welding structural members in SolidWorks?

8 1 Beginner
This is very easy to do, please follow me...

Tutorial: how to model a spiral in Solid Edge

4 0 Beginner
The spiral is modeled with a sweep command.

SolidWORKS Intersect Tool

6 1 Intermediate
This tutorial shows how to use the Intersect command in SolidWORKS How to convert a part with a solid and a surface body into a single solid body This tutorial is in response to: https://grabcad.com/questions/best-way-to-turn-this-solid-surface-into-one-solid

Solid works Assembly animation I Solid works simulation

1 1 Intermediate
https://youtu.be/VMzwqUBfvss Hello & Welcome to SolidWorks Tutorial Channel This channel is will help to learn the basic and mastering technique to design. All dimensions in my design are in millimeter. Using solid works tapering in flex This Channel contains topics about: - SolidWorks Beginners Tutorials - SolidWorks Sketch - SolidWorks Part design - SolidWorks Mates - SolidWorks Assembly design - SolidWorks Animation - SolidWorks Basic motoin - SolidWorks Drawing - SolidWorks Simulation - SolidWorks Camera view -SolidWorks Rendering - Using solid works flex - How to use solid works flex - How to tapering in solid works - Solid works twisting -Solid works bending -Solid works stretching - Solid works bending solidworks tutorial solidworks tutorial youtube solidworks tutorial for beginners solidworks tutorial 2017 solidworks 2015 tutorial solidworks 2014 tutorial solidworks 2013 tutorial solidworks assembly tutorial solidworks tutorial videos solidworks tutorial assembly solidworks tutorial assembly mates solidworks tutorial animation solidworks tutorial advanced design solidworks tutorial advanced solidworks tutorial assembly drawing solidworks tutorial beginner solidworks tutorial bottle solidworks tutorial beginner 2014 solidworks tutorial convert entities solidworks tutorial circular pattern solidworks tutorial course solidworks tutorial creating plane solidworks tutorial drawing solidworks tutorial fillet solidworks tutorial for beginners 2017 solidworks free tutorial solid works tutorial feature solidworks tutorial getting started solidworks tutorial grabcad solidworks tutorial guide solidworks tutorial helix solidworks tutorial help solidworks tutorial mold design solidworks tutorial motion solidworks tutorial mirror solidworks tutorial metal sheet solidworks tutorial mold solidworks tutorial online solidworks tutorial online free solidworks tutorial on youtube solidworks tutorial on sheet metal solidworks tutorial revolve solidworks tutorial revolved boss solidworks tutorials youtube solidworks tutorials sheet metal solidworks tutorials fillets solidworks tutorials advanced solidworks tutorials online how to use solidworks tutorial solidworks user interface tutorial solidworks tutorial videos youtube solidworks tutorial videos for beginners solidworks flow simulation tutorial video solidworks tutorial weldments

Solid Edge Programming Tutorial C#

3 0 Beginner
Tutorials for create commands and macros for Solid Edge, using programming C# language.

Tutorial - Making text emboss on the curved surface in Creo Elements/Pro aka Pro Engineer Wildfire?

3 1 Beginner
Here is the tutorial.


8 1 Beginner
In this tutorial I will show you how to give motors (rotary) to your mechanism Example of A Robotic Arm is taken