
Fusion 360 - Import 3D scans with textures

0 0 Intermediate
Importing 3D scans with textures into Fusion 360 is not a straightforward process. Depending on the file format there are additional steps that need to be done regarding the texture. Usually the best solution is to retexture the model within Blender.

CATIA V5 - import AI generated models as editable

0 0 Beginner
Case study of an AI generated image of a chair converted to a 3D model using an AI image to Mesh Platform (CSM)

Import AI generated models in CATIA V5 as editable

0 0 Beginner
Case study of an AI generated image of a chair converted to a 3D model using an AI image to Mesh Platform (CSM) Video regarding CSM 3D platform - https://youtu.be/y-hYAjR6yVk Video regarding concept generation using Leonardo - https://youtu.be/nB1wIVzCzsI

How to import 3D meshes with appearance properties in Fusion 360

1 0 Beginner
Case study regarding various models imported with visual appearances in Fusion 360

Import free form CAD data to CATIA V5 as editable

0 0 Beginner
The workbench from CATIA V5 is Imagine & Shape and for the file conversion I made use of Blender! The 3D model can be downloaded at: https://www.vitra.com/en-un/product/panton-chair

How to Import GLB Files in FUSION 360

1 0 Beginner
To open a GLB file in Blender and export it as OBJ, you can follow these steps from this tutorial.

How to Import GLTF Files in FUSION 360

2 0 Beginner
You can use the workflow presented in the video that makes use of Blender as Fusion 360 does not natively support importing GLTF files. However, there are a few workarounds that you can use to import GLTF files into Fusion 360. One workaround is to use a third-party plugin. There are a few different plugins available that can be used to import GLTF files into Fusion 360. One popular plugin is the GLTF Importer for Fusion 360: https://apps.autodesk.com/FUSION/en/Detail/Index?id=935621094053886114&appLang=en&os=Win64.

How to Repair Holes for STL Files

4 0 Beginner
Welcome to this Meshmixer tutorial. In this comprehensive guide, I'll show you a cool feature of Meshmixer that can saves you a lot of time. Whether you're a 3D printing enthusiast, a professional designer, or simply someone eager to perfect your 3D models, this tutorial is for you. #Meshmixer #3dmodeling #3dprinting

How to convert Solidworks file to obj file. with mtl (material).

3 1 Intermediate
> Easiest way to convert 3d cad(STEP/IGES) to obj file. > following software also generate mtl file. Which includes material and appearances.

JP_006_GrabCAD Print: SOLIDWORKSの3MFファイルをGrabCAD Printにインポートする方法

1 0 Beginner
GrabCAD Printの最新の更新により、SOLIDWORKSなどの業界標準CADツールから3MFファイルをインポートできるようになりました。このチュートリアルでは、SOLIDWORKSで3MFファイルを作成し、GrabCAD Printで3MFファイルのインポート機能を有効にする方法について取り上げます。このチュートリアルは、GrabCAD Printバージョン1.40以上を対象としています。

Convert STL and OBJ files to STEP files online!

0 0 Beginner
Convert STL and OBJ files types to modifiable STEP files that can be used in your favorite CAD for free!

Convert STL and OBJ files to STEP files online!

2 3 Beginner
Convert STL and OBJ files types to modifiable STEP files that can be used in your favorite CAD for free! Convert stl to step stl to stp obj to stp obj to step conversion

Create a texture file for a vertex painted model

2 0 Beginner
In my previous tutorials I have discussed the different ways that color can be assigned to models and how Photoshop can be used to make color adjustments for texture files. If such adjustments need to be made to a vertex painted model then this typically requires the original model file or specific design software such as ZBrush. But there is an easy way to create a texture file using Photoshop. Watch this video to find out more...

OBJ Files for PolyJet

7 1 Beginner
In previous tutorials in this series, we explained the capabilities of STL and VRML files in 3D printing. In this tutorial, we will explain OBJ files and their expanded capabilities in addition to color, transparency, and bump.

How To Use Blender 3D Software with GrabCAD Print

3 0 Beginner
Blender is a free open source software that allows for animations, visual effects, motion graphics, and even 3D modeling! GrabCAD Print accepts certain files which means you have another way you can print! In this tutorial we will review: -How to Export an STL from Blender -How to Export a OBJ file from Blender