
Solidworks Part Modeling-1

0 0 Beginner
In this Video you can learn how easily you can make the different and complex shapes in solid works. Important Features you learn from video * Sketch * Plane * 3D Sketch * Loft * Circular Pattern * Combine * Boss extrude * Revolve * Appearance Contact info ( For Work ) What's app : 9099719967 Email id : gs3dprinting@gmail.com LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/gs3d-printing-1812252ab Instagram : gs_3d_printing

SOLIDWORKS - ⚙️ Animate 2D Sketches in PART

1 0 Intermediate
🔑 In this video, you will learn how to make blocks in drawings in the part environment and how to move the sketch using these blocks. By doing such studies, you can make prototypes of mechanism movements and prevent errors that may occur. With this method, you can design your complex mechanism movements in their simplest form. In the future, we will also show you how to move and animate sketches in the assembly environment.

SOLIDWORKS - Making Parts and Animate from Blocks in Assembly

0 0 Expert
🚀 In previous weeks (Link below), we examined how to create blocks in the part environment and how to move these blocks. This week, we will examine how to create blocks from drawings in the SOLIDWORKS assembly environment, convert these line blocks into solid models, and turn them into moving animations. We will do this without defining any assembly relations and by turning the drawings directly into moving parts.

Clamp. Autodesk Inventor. 3D CAD practice. How to make cbp–20072023–007.01🐬

0 0 Beginner
Hello, it’s cadblurprints! In this video, I share how to create a 3D part in Autodesk Inventor. This is the part «Струбцина» (Clamp) of the assembly «Струбцина» (Clamp) 007–СБЦ. I hope you enjoy it! You can find this drawing in my Instagram, Telegram, ВКонтакте, Яндекс.Дзен. You can find the links here https://taplink.cc/cadblueprints.

Project 3D Elements -

0 0 Beginner
Design Elbow flange in assembly context #catia

3DEXPERIENCE CATIA - Tutorial Exercise 1 ⚙️

1 0 Beginner
In this video, you will watch a sample study of 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA. You will see the use of the following commands with a simple example. * Shaft * Shell * Create Body * Intersection Definition * Create Plane * Rib * Boolean operations * Pattern Video Link: https://ytbe.one/Ug1mE6TIIyI 📧 For Collaboration and Communication: noncadkeys@gmail.com 🚨 For more and more different content to come ⬇️ We ask you to SUBSCRIBE to our channel and LIKE our videos. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSD8g4g28uXzAnQJif7T4Ew

Change the Measurement units in SolidWorks

0 0 Beginner
Step-by-step video in SolidWorks, chaning the SI from MMGS to IPS back and forward.

Transfer Sheetmetal Parts from SolidWorks to CATIA as editable

2 0 Beginner
Transferring sheet metal parts from SolidWorks to CATIA can be done in using a STEP AP214 file format.

CATIA V5 - Design new parts within existing product assemblies

0 0 Beginner
Designing new parts within existing product assemblies in CATIA V5 involves a straightforward process that allows you to seamlessly integrate new components into your existing designs. previous video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfZQHWQo1Sw

Cara Membuat Roda Gigi di Autodesk Inventor (How to make gears in Autodesk Inventor)

1 0 Beginner
Here I will explain how to make gears simply in Autodesk Inventor 2017 (disini saya akan menjelaskan cara membuat roda gigi secara sederhana di Autdesk Inventor 2017)

CATIA V5 - Hide/Show - the part is still not visible?

0 0 Beginner
If you used CATIA V5 for an extended period your probably tackled this problem.

CATIA V5 - Sheetmetal Design Multi-Body Parts

3 0 Beginner
CATIA V5 - Sheetmetal Design Multi-Body Parts is a feature of CATIA V5 that allows designers to create and manipulate multiple sheet metal bodies within a single part file. This can be useful for creating complex sheet metal assemblies that would be difficult or impossible to design with a single sheet metal body. 3D files available at: https://grabcad.com/library/catia-v5-sheetmetal-design-multi-body-part-1

SolidWorks Configurations - Efficient Design Management

0 0 Beginner
In SolidWorks, a configuration is a representation of a part or assembly that captures a specific set of design parameters. It allows you to maintain multiple versions of a design within a single file, without having to create separate files for each variation. Configurations are particularly useful for managing different dimensions, features, and properties of a part or assembly.


0 0 Beginner
CATIA added sheet metal design in V4, which was released in 1992. However, the sheet metal design capabilities in V4 were relatively basic. It was in V5, which was released in 1998, that CATIA introduced a dedicated sheet metal design workbench, called Sheet Metal Design.

Freecad tutorial - Drawing a slightly more complex sketch

1 0 Intermediate
In this FreeCAD tutorial I will draw a part that has a slightly more complex sketch. I used Part Design and Sketcher workbench to model this part. This tutorial is not for absolute beginners. I used FreeCAD 0.21 to create this tutorial.