Getting back in the Game

I have a 6 core Core Intel Xenon E5 Mac pro. (9 years old now) I let my previous 3D CAD software lapse and am going to buy new. Budget $1000. But I don't want to shoot myself in the foot with processor incompatibility. The main software companies seem not to report specifically on Mac CPU compatibility issues (except Shark
which is incompatible.) I need help before I buy I might upgrade the computer later but don't want to start out on the big downer of buying then being stymied by my CPU.

1 Answer

Hey Matthew, are you asking what sort of professional CAD package you should buy for $1000?

SOLIDWORKS is usually $5,000 minimum, Blender is free and art students seem to love it, an OLD version of Rhino might be $1,000, but have you looked at OnShape? It's a subscription model, but the big benefit is OnShape doesn't CARE what type of processor you have- it's all done on the cloud!

If I was going to start a consulting practice with HEAVY assemblies and didn't want to worry about upgrading my machine, I would peek at OnShape.

If you are just looking for hobbyist support for 3D prints, Blender might be a good place to start.