How can I show water flowing in an animation?

Anybody got any suggestions on animating liquid moving thru a pipe? I'd like to showcase a ball valve assembly that I've created for work. I'v animated it opening and closing, but I'd like the effect of liquid moving through it. I've seen some good examples on Youtube but I'm not sure how they did it. I'm currently creating a long cylinder of with bubbles and am planning on having it move through the pipe and valve. Does anybody know a better way?

6 Answers

While I am do not have the skills to help, I think 3DS Max might be a better option than Inventor.

Hi B as Kevin said, IV will not produce anything like water within IV Studio. 3D's Max is what you want to do this animation with to produce the effect you want.

If You want to do it professional, then use RealFlow and Autodesk Maya :) This is a great combination.

Although I have yet to play with the functionality as of yet but if I recall they've recently added the "gravity" option in Inventor's animation tool. I've seen a few videos of it in action on YouTube (you might want to search there for video tutorials on how to use it). But I have to agree with the others here, if you want something that looks realistic, Inventor's basic animation tool is not the best choice. It's fine to get a basic idea but for a presentation....I'd go with the programs that are built to do such.

Hi, I have experience developing virtual laboratories in my university, we commonly use Cinema 4D, there are many software that can do the same thing but you can test it.

I would also like some help doing the same thing. I am working on a simple project to make some water flow in autodesk Maya but I cannot seem to animate the water in the right way. I am also trying with realflow but I seem to be facing difficulties would be glad to get some help. Thank you.