How to give a perfect glossy look to a car body in Keyshot 2?

How to give a perfect glossy look to a car body in Keyshot 2? I tried making it realistic several times but I never got the expected result.

3 Answers

The look you get will depend on three things:
1. The environment in the scene
2. The material applied to your model
3. Your model's form

1. Choose an environment that has high contrast to create reflections that have shiny highlights. You can rotate the environment by holding "ctrl" and clicking and dragging with the left mouse button. You can download environments from the KeyShot website ( if you're having trouble getting the right look.
2. Choose a material that is glossy. Try using a material from the Paints tab to get the shine you want and you can edit the colour by double clicking the part.
3. Some tricks you can apply to your model: divide the body into separate parts (bumper, fender, doors, etc.) and round the edges of the split lines. This will create tiny highlights and shadows that make the render more believable.

Hope you find some of this helpful.

thank u rob... :)