How to open a list of solid bodies with a single click?

I no longer remember the procedure to see the volumic bodies in the volumic body property manager, without being forced to open them one by one. (Contrary to gather).
Thanks for your answer.

3 Answer

Give this a try. I think it is called a boundary box:

Thank you Fred, but that's not what I want to know. No link with the welded elements, just the list of volumic or surface bodies. I just want to know how to open the list with a single click to see all the bodies that are in the parts files. A year ago I could see all volumic bodies in a simple procedure.
In fact it would be the opposite of "collect" (right button on list ...) that would "show everything" ??

Oh. Press the * key.

I tried it in SW2016. Just select the top most feature tree entry (i.e. the part name).
Press "*".
The entire tree should then expand.
It seems the only way to collapse it is to right click in the feature tree and choose Collapse Items

Je l'ai essayé dans SW2016. Sélectionnez simplement la partie supérieure de l'entrée de l'arborescence des fonctions (c.-à-d. Le nom de la pièce).
Presse "*".
L'arbre entier devrait alors se développer.
Il semble que le seul moyen de s'effondrer est de faire un clic droit dans l'arborescence des fonctionnalités et de choisir Réduire les éléments