Painting makes parts go invisible

Hi again,

It appears that when I try and add textures to the nose of my aircraft it makes other parts go invisible. I have no idea why this happens and I have no error message for it.

1 Answer

Check your UV mapping: Make sure that the UV map for the nose of your aircraft is correct and doesn't overlap with any other parts of the model. If the UV map is incorrect or overlaps with other parts, it can cause textures to appear on the wrong parts or cause other parts to go invisible.

Check your material settings: Make sure that the material settings for the nose of your aircraft are correct and don't conflict with any other parts of the model. If the material settings are incorrect or conflict with other parts, it can cause textures to appear on the wrong parts or cause other parts to go invisible.

Check your texture settings: Make sure that the texture settings for the nose of your aircraft are correct and don't conflict with any other parts of the model. If the texture settings are incorrect or conflict with other parts, it can cause textures to appear on the wrong parts or cause other parts to go invisible.

If none of these solutions work, please provide more details or screenshots of the issue you are experiencing so that I can better understand and assist you.