Video Tutorial on Modeling and Animating Nut-Bolt in SolidWorks

Video Tutorial on Modeling and Animating Nut-Bolt in SolidWorks

Nut Bolt with Video Tutorial on Modeling/Motion

7 Answers

Video Tutorial on Modeling and Animating Nut-Bolt in SolidWorks

Answered with a tutorial:

Cпасибо, хороший урок.

Several time I was try to make a Bolt and Nut without interference in thread and i did'not succeed.
This tutorial learned me how to do this. Tnx Sudhir Gill, this is a very good tutorial.

Is Camtasia studio necessary for that techsmith codec? Are there any alternatives?

Thank you, It very usefull

Congratulations :)

Nice one. Here is bolt and nut modeling tutorial with a different approach...
And on following link video shows how to animate it....