What's the best way to model a semi-circle grid/grate of rods?

See image, below.

The blue elements are intended to represent rods or rebar, cut to a circle outline. The cross pieces are welded underneath to hold the assembly together.

What are some good approaches to model this? I'd like to do it entirely parametrically, so can resize the circle diameter, change the spacing of the rods, etc.

5 Answers

Hope this helps. :) This is just one way of making it.. .there are many other ways and it also depends what you want the end profiles of your bars to be like....

Answered with a tutorial: https://grabcad.com/tutorials/what-s-the-best-way-to-model-a-semi-circle-grid-grate-of-rods

One way this could be done is you could produce a circle extruded surface.

Have your bars extrude to surface mid planar.

Then in your design table change the dia of the circle and the rods should update with it as they are extruded to next surface....

There are so many ways to approach this! What was you thinking?

Here is my solution. Two extrudes followed by an extruded cut give create the OD. Everything is controlled from the design table. SW 2012 file attached.

Here is an example doing it all with equations

Edit Equations

Input ring diameter
Rod diameter
Ring width
Ring height

Check OK

Make a sketch and use from weldment tool - tool "structural member" - " structural member can be pipe, profile, plate etc. everything that can be extruded. When you do all then trim bars. Sketch that you made must be parametric that you can drive a various form of grates. - This is way to do it for manufacturing beacuse a cut list is ready for drawing and dimensioning.