Which one is the most suitable file format when switching from Catia to Solidworks or vice versa?

Consider that, you've come along with SolidWorks in a project, however you then need to shift to Catia inorder to perform complex surface modeling in the same project. In this case, which file formats would be useful for shifting one another?

3 Answers

You will find some answers here:
In a nutshell, the best way is to use "FormatWorks" to get Catia files properly translated into SW entities.

Hi Robert,
Thank you for the information.

You're welcome ;)
I was just investigating this problem and found the explanation what is the problem between two software packages from the same company - different kernel, therefore, no clean transition can be made from one to the other application. Fortunately, there is an application that completely addresses this particular problem with incopatibility between Catia and SWX files.