Why is my explode view grey out? SW2021

Hello, I would like to explode this mode, but the explode view is not accessible, like if the part was not a multibody part. But it is a multibody part with 8 parts.
Can somebody help me to understand what's the problem? The part attached is SW2021. Don't care about the warming message, I used derivated sketches but the part can open even without the reference sketches.


3 Answers

Also, I can't unbend the sheet metal part! There fis definitively something wrong in this part.

Suppose I had to guess why your part is not exploding in the exploded view you might have built the different parts as one. I mean to say, while you are extruding you might have kept the merge result box checked. try it without checking the box.

I use SW2020, so i couldn't open your file, but i saved it as step file with grabcad workbench. I really don't know what's problem in your model, but i opened this multibody part and explode mode works correctly.
Maybe problems appears because of warning/error messages, get rid of all errors and try explode mode again. Also define all sketches.