
Adi DRPAX Pandzic

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ph.D. Mechanical engineer, product designer and 3D printing expert
Followers: 3117 Models: 139


Followers: 231 Models: 41

Enes Hodzic

Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Followers: 898 Models: 111

Andreas Gkertsos

Athens, Greece
Bsc Mechanical Engineer, SolidWorks Professional
Followers: 860 Models: 132

Stefanidis Christos Georgios

Pireaus, Greece
Aεί ο θεός γεωμετρεί
Followers: 139 Models: 33

Arnel Jasarevic

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mechanical engineer
Followers: 7 Models: 5

Kenan Klisura

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Entwicklungsingenieur mit viel Erfahrung.
Followers: 5 Models: 9

Dimitris Stravoulellis

Lesvos, Greece
Followers: 46 Models: 33

Iliya Miroslavov

Varna, Bulgaria
a short tagline
Followers: 379 Models: 38

George Mixalis

Athens, Greece
Followers: 68 Models: 50

Tasos Lazaridis

Design is thinking made visible !
Followers: 230 Models: 139

Dalibor Savanović

Bosnia and Herzegovina
International Welding Technologist - IWT
Followers: 70 Models: 38