
mostafa mohamed

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Followers: 58 Models: 29

Andreas Gkertsos

Athens, Greece
Bsc Mechanical Engineer, SolidWorks Professional
Followers: 860 Models: 132

Jose Ramos

Followers: 1 Models: 5

Stefanidis Christos Georgios

Pireaus, Greece
Aεί ο θεός γεωμετρεί
Followers: 139 Models: 33


Saudi Arabia
I am not this material body in the world of shadow, but I am Spirit Soul in the world of reality...
Followers: 909 Models: 103

Carlos Lermont

Santiago, Chile
I'm part of crazy ones...
Followers: 301 Models: 17

Ronald Marca

Valparaiso, Chile
Mechatronic Engineer
Followers: 0 Models: 1

Ioannis Kouimtzis

Thessaloniki, Greece
Mechanical Engineer
Followers: 74 Models: 56

sunny jedi

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
My models are genuine and working. Let us all contribute good 3D model which can help everybody
Followers: 145 Models: 4

Joakin Ugalde

Santiago, Chile
Mechanical engineer, maker, currently working at the Fablab of the Universidad de Chile.
Followers: 46 Models: 33

petros tsolakis

Followers: 56 Models: 8

xaniotis antonis

Followers: 31 Models: 17