
3D Comparison

Industrial Design Engineer
Followers: 106 Models: 62


Followers: 786 Models: 107

Ajay Oli

Technical Project Leader | Mechanical Engineering Undergrad Student | Passionate about Mechanical Design and Robotics
Followers: 0 Models: 3

Andrei Cretu

Brasov, Romania
Mechanical Design Engineer
Followers: 211 Models: 84

Borobeica Mihai

Mechanical Engineer with over 10 years of experience in product design and manufacturing processes.
Followers: 0 Models: 2

Badulescu Stefan

Less is more
Followers: 318 Models: 18

Anup Chauhan

Kathmandu, Nepal
studies Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Automobile
Followers: 614 Models: 115

Dragos Ionescu

Brasov, Romania
I do my best to leave something good in this world for the others. If anybody disagrees with what I'm doing for free, then that person is free to do things as desired and share the work with everybody else, just like I do, for free... and freedom.
Followers: 709 Models: 703

alex savin

IASI, Romania
Followers: 28 Models: 25

Prabin Timilsina

Mechanical Engineer
Followers: 30 Models: 16

Daniel Craciun

Bucharest, Romania
Followers: 0 Models: 4

Andrei D

Sibiu, Romania
Followers: 65 Models: 23