
Girish Hawal

Followers: 3 Models: 27

Joakin Ugalde

Milan, Italy
I define myself as an inventor
Followers: 46 Models: 35

Dan Inde

Alcamo (TP), Italy
Followers: 20 Models: 56


ROMA, Italy
Imparare - Creare - Condividere
Followers: 207 Models: 30

Dragos Ionescu

Brasov, Romania
I do my best to leave something good in this world for the others. If anybody disagrees with what I'm doing for free, then that person is free to do things as desired and share the work with everybody else, just like I do, for free... and freedom.
Followers: 709 Models: 703

Martin Edel

Currently residing in the country which was once known as Deutschland. Now known as BRD (Banana Republica Dummlandia)
Followers: 31 Models: 11

Claudiu PANOIU

Electronics Engineer
Followers: 10 Models: 15


Followers: 167 Models: 94

alex savin

IASI, Romania
Followers: 28 Models: 25

Riccardo Dell'Oro

Brescia, Italy
I'm an Electronic HW designer and SW developer, with a passion for mechanics :-)
Followers: 1 Models: 2

Eugenio Miliani

Turin, Italy
Followers: 22 Models: 14

Soufiane Arejdal

Casablanca, Morocco
Followers: 13 Models: 11