
Dragos Ionescu

Brasov, Romania
I do my best to leave something good in this world for the others. If anybody disagrees with what I'm doing for free, then that person is free to do things as desired and share the work with everybody else, just like I do, for free... and freedom.
Followers: 710 Models: 703

Jezeer Shabry

Doha, Qatar
if anyone need any type of 3D or 3D Models or Any type of questions related to 3D Applications then feel free to contact me
Followers: 162 Models: 65

Claudiu PANOIU

Electronics Engineer
Followers: 10 Models: 15

alex savin

IASI, Romania
Followers: 28 Models: 25

Andrei D

Sibiu, Romania
Followers: 65 Models: 23


Followers: 27 Models: 6

valentin gurgu

Followers: 5 Models: 21

Mihai Cristian

Followers: 1 Models: 5

Costy Nicolescu

Followers: 3 Models: 2

Alexa Titel

Bucharest, Romania
"Work hard. Have fun. Make History"
Followers: 254 Models: 24


Timisoara, Romania
Followers: 25 Models: 33

Andrei Ap

Iasi, Romania
Followers: 9 Models: 11