

Quebec, QC, Canada
Followers: 379 Models: 155

Tahir Ali

Bachelor of Engineering Mehran University of Engineering and Technology-Pakistan, Six month Diploma Certificate in CAD/CAM and CNC from North Town Technical College- Toronto. Mechanical Engineering Design Technologist from Centennial College-Toronto
Followers: 132 Models: 39


Viet Nam
Welcome :)
Followers: 162 Models: 10

Amir Kebritchi

Quebec , Canada
Mechanical Design Engineer
Followers: 46 Models: 17

Denis Menard

Followers: 97 Models: 118

White Dwarf

Viet Nam
automation, 3d printer, design...
Followers: 19 Models: 6

Alireza Hosseinkhani

Montréal , Canada
Followers: 112 Models: 39

Udeshaya Wadhwa

Followers: 22 Models: 3

R de Jonge

Stadskanaal, Netherlands
Engineering and industrial design
Followers: 4 Models: 5


Mtl, Canada
Open the Source
Followers: 9 Models: 7

Lũy Nguyễn Văn

HCM, Viet Nam
Followers: 30 Models: 21

Merijn Helsloot

Noord-Scharwoude, Netherlands
Followers: 17 Models: 10