Sar Dar 22 Aug, 2018 06:18 PM Meshlab - Mesh Editing / Repair Support: Import: PLY, STL, OBJ, OFF, DAE, txt. and others Export: PLY, STL, OBJ, OFF, WRL, DXF, DAE, JSON, and others Pros: Painting Mesh repair, hole filling Mesh simplification Mesh subdivision and smoothing Handles rectangular mesh Cons: Can't do sculpting Latest release 2016, some people can't get latest install to run Runs on: Windows 64 bit MacOS Linux Snap Model of Meshlab sample file: duck_triangulate.dae
Daniel Keene Lopez Feb 6, 2024 MeshLab 2023.12 and PyMeshLab 2023.12 have been released!28/02/2022A new version of MeshLab and PyMeshLab has been released: 2023.12!Moreover, MeshLab is now available for download on the Microsoft Store! this is from site. its a little slow but it does work Log in or sign up to post a reply