Which rendering software is the most user friendly and gives the best result??
The only way to know what is best for you is by evaluating the types of models you plan to render, the file formats you typically work with, and then evaluating several programs to determine if you find it easy to use.
Keyshot is very popular on this site, but it may not be ideal for you, your workflow, or the types of models you plan to render. Try a demo and decide from there.
simlab composer lite is free and pro for 199$ , i use the free version with amazing results
As compared to simlab composer keyshot is userfriendly.
Keyshot has a fundamental difference with other rendering packages - namely the realtime aspect. Let's take an example: you apply a material to something in KeyShot and the same material to something in Simlab. In Simlab, you have no idea what this material will look like when it's rendered until you actually render it. In KeyShot, you see the results immediately and can tweak them in real time. Scale this problem up to an assembly with 50 parts. You are going to be doing a lot of intermediate renders (lots of time) to get your final result in Simlab. With KeyShot, you simply apply and you can immediately tell whether or not it's perfect - and you can adjust it in real time. The point of KeyShot is to make rendering substantially faster than in other packages.
Before KeyShot for Alibre existed (3 days ago?...) SimLab was turning out to be a good option for people because of the resolution limitations of KeyShot for CAD (800x450) and people did not want to spend $1000 to upgrade to a higher version of KeyShot. We realized this problem and worked with Luxion to bring KeyShot ($1000 version) to our customers for only $199, in general making the Simlab problem a non-issue moving forward.
I use both Keyshot 7.1 and PV , which is a plug-in of Solidworks. I will use PV when I render small products (e.g. watches, computers). I will use Keyshot when we render big product (e.g. refrigerators, or an high-risk building).
The advantage of using keyshot that I can easily to learnt rendering technique in rendering webinar (e.g. Grabcad) I have searched a lot of on-line bookshop for tutorial of rendering software for several years. But I cannot find a suitable book for me. I can do nothing to try each comments. I study Keyshot and PV by self learning.
Thanks for the comparison
I feel Keyshot is the best rendering software available if you are beginner. You can render any cad model with real time preview, which is quite interesting.
Below are few examples which have been rendered in Keyshot.
I feel Keyshot is the best rendering software available if you are beginner.
I think Keyshot is wonderful, but have you guys seen some of the output from VRay? I've never used it, so maybe it does not pass the "easy to use' test, but the output is brilliant:
The above image is from the VRay gallery. Go see it full size. Scroll down the gallery for the car section as well.
Have a read of this post:
Other lists
I use Octane Render as a tired party render engine in Cinema 4D. Because of using GPU for rendering, it's so fast and because of using unbiased physical calculation for light behavior, the result is so realistic. In another hand It's not as complex as Vray for example.
It's like Maya (some of the same icons even) but free.
Addons and stuff make it really good, with stuff like Qbik an crowd render.
Been using the new Blender Eevee rendering and woow its amazing to see what you can make with it.
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