Great render! I love rendering with glass and this is simple but showcases well.
I had a lot of fun rendering this model...
Wow that is jaw dropping, Stephen!
BTW, I noticed if you have a carriage return after pasting in a Library model URL it will expand into its own box. Like this:
Great Colt, Pourya. Nice pitted texture. I would use more edge roundess in the appearances' illumination settings to get the wear to match the age.
I've always like how this badminton birdie came out:
This is a Concept I've done, rendered in Keyshot.
The link to the project is here:
At the moment I'm not sure of uploading just the renders to a grabcad project as it will not be displayed in the library.
I would say this is one of my best render so far.
Another one is this glass that I render for a friends E-shop
Nice work. Can you provide details on how you added the atmospheric dust to the scenes?
I've experimented with it in Keyshot but am looking for other options:
I added after the render by post processing with photoshop or gimp. The picture of these dust is created by a lot of try and error sessions, also in photo editing software. Hope it helps
A) Nice perspective on the car.
B) That green fluid is intriguing. The whole result really feels minty! Refreshing and likely an adult beverage. :beer:
It's for an Absinth commercial ;-)
Its so realistic Rendering Sir I. Love it
Maybe is not comparable to the car I posted, but that carbon-carbon texture took a while...
couldn't really choose 1, and not especially the "best" but interesting ones
still in the dice realm
a dramatic drone
and when I tried out Strata Design...
This is one of my favorite renderings. The decals were all custom made using Photoshop and reference images from online.
Hello! One of the latest works, an attempt to make a translucent plastic glass.
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