Design Mode in Assembly

When I open an assembly in Visualization mode and then click the update button, it is converted to design mode.
Is this default behavior or am I missing any settings etc.?

2 Answers

I never noticed that before, but it makes sense that it would switch to Design mode. An Update needs the design geometry in order to regenerate the model. I believe this is normal behavior. And I don't know of any setting to change it.

Was the Update available when you opened the assembly in Visualization mode? Or did you have to Force it?

Visualization Mode is to improve performance when opening large assemblies. This is especially useful when the assembly is being reviewed but not edited. It does this by using light-weight CGR data that is cached on the local computer. All viewing (pan, zoom, rotate) is done with the graphics card. Visualization mode requires no network activity.

During a review, if a part needs to be edited it can be switched to Design Mode by downloading the heavy, geometrical data from the server.