How to make animation or Gif files by simple print commands and print-screen Tab

GIF is the collection of pictures that are put together in the series to for animation, its like filming a blossoming flower, with all the patients, we have to keep taking pictures from same distance and angel with movements happening
in the object or zooming in the uniform ratio.
Step 1:
Set a object in the particular view for which you want to show the animation.
e.g movement of the spring in lobster clasp. -
Step 2:
to show the animation of the comprehension of the spring , start with taking the
picture of the object at resting position.
Use print command to to capture the view ( in the output scale keep the ratio same for all the pictures that needs to take ) -
Step 3:
now to show the working of the spring go to top view and compress the spring followed by rotating lever ( Trigger ) , now without changing the angel or position of the camera take a screen shoot( Print to File)
Step 4:
Repeat the same steps for capturing more compression in spring ( rotate the compress the spring uniformly so the animation appears smoother), record every change that occur in the object
Step 5:
Important thing in animation is the effect of one object with respect to another, i.e, when the lever\ trigger is pulled the spring gets compressed and so does the position of the lock rotates to get into the unlocking position.
Step 6:
Keep saving pictures in the ascending order in a particular folder.
Step 7:
once the data to show animation is completed ( Saved )
go to any website that makes\ generate gif file , for eg.
click on the below link follow steps .
Step 8:
Upload files
Step 9:
once the files starts to upload the page appears as follows
Step 10:
When the uploading is completed the animation starts to show in the preview window.
Step 11:
Canvas size can be adjusted as per the requirement and the speed can be controlled and looped to show the essence of the video
Step 12:
Once all the final tuning is done just download the Gif or directly upload the file in the internet
Step 13:
I hope the tutorial is helpful.
please let me know with your feedback.